space for the Left, Liberal and Socialists
friends and well-wishers of the Left with ‘Marxist Conscience’ now-a-days
bitterly criticise the functioning of the communist Parties in general and the CPI(M)
in particular and hold the undemocratic functioning of the Party responsible
for the ‘marginalisation’ of the Left in India. A Communist Party functions on
the fundamental norms of organisational structure’ known as ‘democratic
centralism’ and ‘inner party democracy’. Like all the middle class well-wishers
with ‘Marxist conscience’, we too feel concerned over the shrinking space for
the Communists in Indian political arena. Like all well-wishers and many
intellectuals and sympathisers we too wish to know the root cause of this
situation. Some of them are in the grip of idealism that hampers the scientific
vision to look at the objective reality. They put the blame fully on the
subjective factor i.e. the functioning of the party under the norms of ‘democratic
centralism’ and ‘inner party democracy’. This criticism in critical times is
not original or new, even the CPI(M) since its Salkia plenum to many of its
Party Congresses examined this issue self-critically and evolved at times a
mechanism to see that the organisational norms of ‘democratic centralism’ and ‘inner party
democracy’ are, in true spirit, followed. With the subjective outlook some
friends find that the monster, ‘democratic centralism’ is not democratic,
rather ‘this is the basic core of the problem’ and then stretch their
bitterness too far by saying, ‘...the very votaries of this most humanistic
philosophy of Karl Marx pegged to it an organisational structure which turned
out to be most inhumane’
If we peep into the history of
the world communist movement and look at the graph of the progress and
isolation of the communist parties, we can find that during the time of Com.
Stalin when the norms of ‘democratic functioning’ and ‘inner Party democracy’
were the most lamentable casualty, the USSR made the unprecedented progress,
his vision led the USSR to great heights of all-round progress making it a
super-power. His Party also grew and the influence of the CPSU was not confined
only to the USSR
but spread with overwhelming attraction on the various parts of the globe. Yes,
there were deviations of personality cult and lack of ideal norms and those
deviations were rightly criticised. But the deviations were also the products
of the objective conditions prevailing in and around the USSR. After his
demise, CPSU began to follow what some friends think perhaps to be the ideal
situation of democratic functioning. The culmination of the norm of ‘democracy’
reached a disastrous point under Mikhail Gorbachev who allowed a ‘democratic
platform’ a kind of Opposition within the party structure. And this ‘ideal’ ‘inner
party democracy’ led to the disintegration of the Party and fall of the largest
state ruled by the communists. In India too the Communist Party grew
and ruled some states for a short or long span under the same Party structure
that is so bitterly criticised by some friends. The Party structure shares the
responsibility of any set-back, but that is not the only factor for the
situation. After all the objective conditions play a bigger role in both the
times, for the rise and also for the set-backs from time to time.. Since the
days of the failure of the Paris Commune to the Russian failure of 1905
revolution under Lenin, to the fall and disintegration of thr USSR and its East
European allies, and electoral setbacks in W. Bengal, objective conditions
played bigger role than the subjective weaknesses of the respective proletarian
leadership although the leadership always shared the responsibility by analysing
its grievous mistakes.
enriched by Leninism is a science to provide the tools that enable us to
analyse the social reality of a given epoch. The communist parties use these
tools to look at the objective conditions and try to strengthen the process of
class struggle under the leadership of the proletariat so as to usher in a next
strategic phase of social development. To achieve this goal they have to adopt
tactical line from time to time to gain more and more support from the
exploited masses. This support is easily available when the capitalism is in
the grip of deep crisis and unable to overcome it. The progress and expansion
of the communist party in the countries that are considered to be the ‘weakest
link’ in the chain of world capitalism can be witnessed in the past and even
today. Lenin while ruling out the possibility of revolutions in the imperialist
countries or developed capitalist countries as Marx had envisaged held the view
that revolutions would be possible only where capitalism has the weakest link.
And this proved to be true about the revolutions that followed the October
revolution. This is true also in regard to the expansion and growth of
communist party today in a country where capitalism is weak. In Nepal every
body is a communist now! Why? It is the weakest link in the chain of the world
capitalism and communists, if united, can take over the state power, but they
will also develop capitalism in Nepal,
not socialism today. In India during the first half of seventies Indian
capitalism was in dire distress, it was in the grip of worst crisis, people
looked towards communism, the word ‘revolution’ was so much loved by people.
the expansion of communist ideology in all the parts of India was
heartening and inspiring every youth, student and intellectuals. At that time
also the Party structure was run on the same norms that are so abhorred by some
of former Marxists today. The inner crisis of capitalism was resolved by the
Emergency. Then Indian ruling classes adopted the new path of being active
partner of international finance capital so as to ward off any future crisis
and followed the dictates of the new world economic order known as the phase of
liberalisation and globalisation. The international finance capital pumped its
money as foreign debt into Indian economy and since 1991 we see this happening
on a large scale. Indian capitalism flourished and became very strong link in
the chain. Even in the midst of 2008
world economic crisis it escaped the pain. The new system created a huge mass
of middle class, white collared section in the service sector, intelligentsia
and neo-rich that do not need any revolution now. The capitalist growth engine
changed the working class also. Capitalism is on the move with every day
progress of science and technology, the process of ‘revolutionising means of
production’ and thereby changing the production relations’ is still on.
Marx-Engels in their Manifesto had underlined this feature of capitalism
and this same feature is ignored by the intellectuals while writing on the
failure of communists or about the shrinking space for liberals, democrats and
socialists. The Manifesto said, ‘the bourgeoisie cannot exist without
constantly revolutionising the instruments of production and thereby the
relations of production and with that the whole relations of society’. This formulation of the founders of the
scientific socialism provides the insight to analyse the present scenario
the present epoch of the hegemony of international finance capital, this
process of alienating the Left, liberal and the democratic forces is a
worldwide phenomenon. The masses in the developed and not so developed
countries are everywhere in the grip of the anti-communist ideologies. The
fascist forces are on the rise even in countries like America, Britain,
Germany, France, Netherlands. India is no
exception as it is also now one of the strong chains of world capitalism and
den of international finance capital. Since 1991 Indian economy has been under
the regime governed by the World Bank and the IMF. All economists holding the
control over Indian economy such as Manmohan Singh, Montek Singh Ahluwalia,
Raghuram Rajan etc under Congress regimes and Arvind Pangaria, Arvind
Subramanian, Urjit Patel under the BJP regime have been all from the World Bank
staff. The foreign debt on India
is rising every day. It is providing funds to Indian rulers in the name of any
‘Abhiyan’ and the funds strengthen the corporate houses under PPP slogan. And
with this debt Indian corporate houses have amassed huge wealth, Thus Indian
bourgeoisie has become one of the most powerful links in the chain of world
capitalism. It is not the weak bourgeoisie of the seventies when communists
could grow and expand their influence every where in India. Today, some of the corporate
houses reached almost the same growth level as many of Britain and USA. Some of them have spread their
wings over other Continents adopting the method of primitive accumulation of
capital. Gautam Adani is the latest addition to that category who has begun his
mining of coal project in Australia.
Tata already had a steel plant in UK.
Indian capitalism is not what it was in the seventies, and therefore, one
cannot dream of expansion of communist parties so easily when people do not
need communist thoughts today. As communist thoughts cannot gain ground in the
developed capitalism and the communist parties in all those countries are
having little scope to expand and grow, so is the case with India now. The
aspirations of people in these countries are better taken care of by
capitalism. In India
now ‘Development’ is a magic term that attracts the masses and grips their
imagination, because capitalism still has the potential to unleash the
productive forces. It still has a vast range of new pastures in many Continents
such as Africa, Russian Union even in Asia, Australia and far-flung areas on
the globe. The countries, states and regions under Communist rule are also
developing their societies with the help of capitalism. Many of my friends do not agree with this
formulation but I still hold it to be true.
After the fall of Soviet Union, the world communists analysed the cause of
this new negative historical turn. The CPI(M) too contributed to this debate
and adopted a Document ON CERTAIN IDEOLOGICAL ISSUES at the 14th
Party Congress (Madras:
3-9 January 1992.) that gives the insight to analyse correctly the social
reality of even today. (Any one can read it on the Party website, the link is
as follows :
).The document also self-critically analyses the deviations in the Party
functioning about which many friends feel so concerned. The Party has been
trying to cleanse itself from time to time so as to undo any damage done by
defective functioning on the organisational level. But I strongly feel: whether
it is the growth or stagnation in the Party, it will always depend on the
objective conditions in which the subjective initiative may work. When ever
capitalism will be in deep crisis in future, and fail to resolve the crisis by
any means (even by dictatorship or fascism), under those conditions the ground
will be fertile for the growth and expansion of communist party in any country
ruled by capitalists, till then it would be better for those with ‘Marxist
conscience’ to help the movement by contributing their might to the movement as
was done by many of us in the seventies. The cynicism will help the fascist
forces. I am reminded of two lines by William Wordsworth, the romantic English
We poets in
our youth begin in gladness
But in
the end thereof comes despondency and madness.
(from ‘The Resolution and Independence’)